J-Hope, a member of the world-renowned K-pop group BTS, will soon be enlisting in the military. According to their agency, Big Hit Music, J-Hope has voluntarily cancelled his application to postpone his enlistment, and further updates on his military service will be provided at a later time. Born in 1994, J-Hope will be taking a break from group activities to fulfill his mandatory military service.
Proud Korean Youth Fulfilling Their National Duty
Last year, BTS announced that members would be enlisting in the military, beginning with eldest member Jin. Jin enlisted in December 2022 and is currently serving as an assistant instructor in the military.
J-Hope is the second member of BTS to enlist. Big Hit Music announced on the 26th that "We ask for warm support and unwavering love for J-Hope until the day he returns from fulfilling his military duty in good health. We at the agency will spare no effort in providing continuous support and affection for our artist."
J-Hope was orginally granted a recommendation for postponement until the age of 30 under the Military Service Act revised in 2020. However, he has voluntarily cancelled his application this time, expressing his intention to enlist early. He plans to enlist as soon as he receives his enlistment notice.
Following the enlistment of the eldest member Jin, J-Hope will be the second member of BTS to begin his military service. It remains to be seen how the fan club Army will react to the news, but J-Hope will undoubtedly hope for their warm love and continued interest until he returns in good health. We are confident that this interest will provide him with the strength he needs to complete his mandatory military service safely.